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Places to see in Belgium and abroad with My Routeplanner

Do you travel frequently by car? Do you need inspiration to find your next destination? We offer many different destinations (Flanders, Wallonia and abroad in less known places) and a brief description thereof. Use our driving directions app to get to these places. More information and details about these destinations will be added soon. Feel free to send us your suggestions via the contact form.

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It's time to start thinking about replacing your car with Uber-rides, short term hires and autonomous cars...

Read all about it here: Should you replace your car with Uber, car-sharing & autonomous cars?

Or discover other interesting pages on My Routeplanner.

My Routeplanner is an easy to use driving directions app. You'll also find the latest news about the traffic situation around your home as well as our latest advice on everything that revolves around the world of owning, driving and using cars. Discover Flanders, Wallonia and other countries and places. Use our driving directions to plan your trip. And if you need to travel with a GPS or a good car insurance: no problem! My Routeplanner devotes an entire section to these topics to help you make your choice.